Lithuanian alphabet
The standard Lithuanian alphabet consists of 32 letters: Letter Name IPA A a a [ɐ], [ɑː] Ą ą a nosinė [ɑː] B b bė [b], [bʲ] C c cė [t͡s], [t͡sʲ] Č č čė [t͡ʃ], [t͡ɕ] D d dė [d], [dʲ] E e e [ɛ], [e], [ɛː], [æː] Ę ę e nasal [ɛː], [æː] Ė ė ė [eː] F f ef [f], [fʲ] G g g gė [g], [ɡʲ] H h ha [ɣ], [ɣʲ] I i short [ɪ], softness sign Į
What place do languages have in our lives?
We are interested in politics, in people's various deeds and adventures, but very few are interested in the human being himself, in the integral part of language, in what it means in the life of a person and a nation, in what it says about the human being himself. We all speak our mother tongue, we all learn our mother tongue at school for eleven years, and still not all of us can speak or write correctly. We learn foreign languages at school for nine years from the fourth grade onwards, but not all of us learn enough of them to be able to converse fluently with foreigners. Knowing foreign languages gives people today
Deputy head takes the big job at Falkland Primary School
Falkland Primary School has announced that a new headteacher will be taking over the leadership of the school from this term.
The first Lithuanian language school in Berkshire County, England
Children in West Berkshire will now be able to learn in more than just English classrooms: at the beginning of October, Matilda Lithuanian School opened its doors in Newbury.