From the very first day at Matilda's Lithuanian school, Tommy (three years old) felt brave and happy. Every Saturday we go to the school eagerly and happily. Tommy brings home lots of crafts and newly learned Lithuanian words. Tomas' favourite song is "du gaideliai", which he sings to his Lithuanian grandmother every time he talks on the phone. We wish Matilda's school many beautiful and long years of life.

Tom's parents

Thank you and three cheers! For the idea, for the wishes and for the opportunity for the children to develop and grow together with you. It's never too late to learn and with each other's help - ideas, we will grow together.

Parents of Elze Agota

It's all very good fun and nice, fun events, cool school, everything is just great. Nice staff, nice to have a school like this. Thank you.


Tija is very happy that she can learn Lithuanian, even though she can speak Lithuanian. She really likes the warm communication between the teachers. She is always eager to go to school. She always comes back full of impressions.

Tija's mother

The children do not attend Lithuanian school, but participate in the festivities organised by the school. Teachers Edita and Aistė are very organised and cool women. They really seem to give their all to make sure that everyone has a good time. I hope they will come out and bring the children to the Lithuanian language classes, because I have no doubt that they are just as cool as all the activities they organise. Good luck in the future and keep moving forward. Thank you for being there.

Mother of two

I had lots of fun in the school. Emily really enjoyed interacting with the children and learning new words. Great event, thank you.

Emily Eyre

Thank you very much for your efforts and attention to our children. It is very nice that you pay attention not only to Lithuanian language and grammar, but also to the Lithuanian traditions.

Matthew's mother

We were very happy to see a Lithuanian school. Words cannot express how happy we are with the teacher and her ability to attract children to learn Lithuanian. Thank you for your hard work. Respect to you.

Mia's mother

Thank you teachers Edita and Aistei for your organisation, efforts, stubbornness and such a beautiful and strong desire to support Lithuania in our English environment. Emily loves going to Lithuanian school and learning Lithuanian language. She loves to sing Lithuanian songs, do crafts and dance. Thank you very much

Dovilė Emily's mother

A very big thank you to the founder of the Lithuanian Children's School, Aistei, for bringing Lithuanian winds, joy and ideas to Newbury through Matilda's school. A huge thank you to her mother, teacher Edita, for her warm welcome, encouragement, education and patience. We wish you both a wonderful Christmas and a special thank you for the wonderful Christmas Lights event. With love and respect Kristina and William.

Kristina William's mother

We are very grateful to the wonderful Aistei and Edita for establishing such a great Lithuanian language school in our region. Not only do you do a great job, but it is really obvious that you love what you do, that you put a lot of time and effort into it, and that you do it from the heart. We thank you sincerely and wish you every success in nurturing the future of the school.

Elsie Otis's mother

Thank you very much for your efforts and initiative, and for setting up the LT school in Newbury. It is wonderful. Thank you for a wonderful Christmas event, a great event, the children's performance, Santa Claus, refreshments and music. Thank you for developing the Lithuanian community.

Otis' grandmother Jolita