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Recommended for children aged 3-6 years
Hurry up! Poppy is already playing with her friends in the park and is waiting for you. An unexpected adventure awaits you, and a challenge that will require you to join forces to overcome!
Winnie-the-Pooh loves to visit the city park. Her friends Agnė and Jonas are waiting for her there and, of course, the most exciting game in the world, "Who's on first?". After all, there's nothing more fun than being the first to get up, the highest and the fastest! But... really?
Once, while playing, friends get lost. Kake Makė, Agnė and Jonas are about to meet a mysterious resident of the park, but also a true test of FRIENDSHIP. Will friendship win?
"This is a story about the inherent human desire to compete and compete, often without even thinking about where it leads. This urge is familiar to children and adults alike and leads to strange sensations reminiscent of roller coasters, where you feel the badness in your stomach along with the fun adrenaline rush. Competition divides more than it unites, and you lose more than you make," says psychologist Asta Blandė.
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- enrich vocabulary;
- develops emotional intelligence and imagination;
- teaches you to share;
- Encourages children to play less competitive games and more bonding games that require joint effort;
- Encourages playing with friends in the open air.
Lina Žutautė is an artist and writer, a favourite among children, born and still living in Šiauliai. Her first book "Kakė Makė ir Netvarkos nykštukas" (Poppy and the Dwarf of Disorder) was published in 2010 and was recognised as the best book for young readers by the International Children's and Young People's Literature Association (IBBY).In 2013 Lina Žutaute was awarded the Children's Literature Prize for her work for children, for the combination of image and word. Her work has been translated into Latvian, Estonian, Russian, Danish, Italian, Korean and many other languages. Having created one of the most famous Lithuanian literary characters - Kaka Makė - the author never stops surprising little readers with new stories!
If your little ones love Winnie-the-Pooh and her friends, we invite you to continue the educational journey by watching the Winnie-the-Pooh videos on Youtube:
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